
In total: 13 posts <1 2 

Václav Havel European Dialogues 2021: The Other Europe20/05/21

One half of this year’s theme - The Other Europe - refers back to the epoch when Europe was divided into East and West. The first part of the conference - The Other Europe in the 1980s - refers to a six-part series produced by British television station Channel Four in 1987–1988 about the situation in the communist-ruled countries of Central Europe, based on interviews with the leading opposition figures of the era. The Václav Havel Library is in possession of the complete raw footage of the series. One panel of the conference is dedicated to four interviewees from 1987–1988 and their “facing the younger me” responses.  More


Jacques Rupnik: The Other Europe13/10/20

Jacques Rupnik, the author of the film document The Other Europe shot in 1987-88 in Central Europe, will present the international project of digitalisation of the interviews from the film document. Moderated by Ian Willoughby. More


The Other Europe (Press release)12/10/19

The Václav Havel Library has made an extraordinary audio-visual acquisition as regards contents and scope, the complete recordings for the documentary film entitled The Other Europe, most of which are shot on 16 mm film. More


The Other Europe, Ponrepo, Prague, December 9, 201912/10/19

Unikátní výběr z původního, dosud nepublikovaného materiálu pětihodinové série připravil Národní filmový archiv ve spolupráci s Knihovnou Václava Havla. V dokumentu se nalézají dosud neprobádané stovky minut rozhovorů s disidenty, politiky, umělci, vědci i obyčejnými lidmi z konce osmdesátých let. Materiály z Jiné Evropy se stanou od příštího roku součástí obsáhlé on-line databáze. Projekci filmu v kině Ponrepo uvedl a komentářem doprovodil Jacques Rupnik. More